Worrying is praying for something you do not want.

know thyself Feb 12, 2025

The Universe responds to the energy you project.
Similar to how Facebook fills your feed with applicable ads... 🤔

The Universe started that. 🤓

Consider that when a crisis hits- you are shown your true nature.
So, who do you want to be in this moment?
What can you do to be the best version of yourself?

Shaun King posted a video of quarantined Italians forming an impromptu band and playing for their neighbors...
He asks us to consider “what is your instrument” to play?
What do you have to offer?
*Can you help an elderly, or physically challenged person get their needs met?
*Maybe take some canned food and sanitary products to the food bank?

What ideas do you have??? 🤓😎
I can help people process their fear.
I can help them get back to neutral so they can reset, and project, the kind of energy they want to receive.

I can also tell very bad jokes... so hit me up if you need a giggle 😃

Find your instrument and let’s keep reminding each other that humans can be good.


*originally posted on IG 3.14.2020

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