Past lives.

akashic record keepers know thyself past lives Feb 12, 2025

Did you know...
Often when you resonate with a certain “look” or costume it’s because you’ve had a past life (or lives) as that being?
Said differently- that iteration of you brings up feelings of happiness, bravery, comfort, etc., and you might be trying to bring more of that vibration into your present time experience.

What are you attracted to? Are there specific times or places?
I love being a gypsy.
It reminds me of how the independence of spirit weaves into our interdependence with the natural world.
I feel cunning and mysterious- like all of the world’s secret knowledge is available to me.

My 3rd dimensional application of skills from that lifetime is that I am an expert packer and organizer...
And a professional #spiritualhealer 💜🔮💜

Ponder where your tastes and skills align and see if they intersect with any of your Halloween costumes 🤔🤔 Pro tip: if you’re looking to bring a past life skill set into your present life have your
#akashicrecordkeeper find that information and make it available to you via meditation 😎😎 #halloween #pastlives #knowthyself #akashicrecords #healing ❤️🐞🌹

Originally posted on IG 10.31.19

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