Live like you love yourself.

bet higher self know thyself love yourself Feb 12, 2025

Eat Like You Love Yourself.
Move Like You Love Yourself.
Speak Like You Love Yourself.
Act Like You Love Yourself.

Self-love is one of those sayings that sounds so lofty and unattainable.
When really- it’s just showing the different aspects of yourself (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and astral) that you are paying attention to what they need to be able to work together as a whole-
and support you on this journey called life.

Sit for a moment and consider what each part of you would want today... 🤔
And act accordingly. 🤓

I am drinking water that I’ve placed a piece of Shungite in (helps removes EMF’s) and listening to music whilst I clean 😉

I may be dancing around like a weirdo as well- but only my cats know for sure- and they won’t tell 😉

What does your body want?

#loveyourself #knowthyself #shungite

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