
ease Feb 12, 2025

This dandelion didn’t have a narrative around growing out of a rock.
It just poked its head out of the crack and allowed the sun and rain to do the rest.

Why is our default setting at “perceived struggle”?
“Omg. Why is this so hard! I have to grow out of a rock? I want dirt!
And friends- I’m alone and stuck!”

Dandelions feed bees. They go to seed, and drift away in the wind, ensuring they have a fruitful future.

If you put your seeds in- you will receive them.
It’s that easy- If you allow it to be.

We’ve all been growing out of rocks lately...
Release the story.
Focus on what feeds you and relax into the support of the Universe.

Allow everything to unfold with ease.



*originally posted on IG 5.3.21

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