Agreements & Akashic Record Keepers

akashic record keepers higher self karma Feb 12, 2025

Have you ever met someone and felt like you instantly knew them?
Your connection was familiar, cosmic or kismet?

Did you know that your Higher Self aspect set that up prior to you being in your body?

*In the energy world that’s called an “agreement” and they can be supportive, or not! 🤔

When the agreement is supportive the connection feels so good.
That person gets you. The real you. You can show up however you need to. 😎

When the agreement is for our learning and healing- it can feel a bit dramatic.
And other times- we have agreements from a past life leaching into this one and they just aren’t helpful 😮

*Pro tip:
When the energy feels stuck, or things are always messy and you can’t sort out why-
ask your Akashic Record Keeper to update your agreement with them, bring it into present time and to clear some karma.
That will give you some space.

Everyone has their own Akashic Record kKeeper.
You don’t need to understand what they’re doing to receive the benefits of working with them.
You just have to ask 💜🔮💜

Think about your inner circle. The people that have helped you with life lessons and healing. The ones that lift you up.
There’s real love there.
Consider that you’ve known them before and send a little thank you to your Higher Self for the connection 💙🙏💙


*originally posted on IG 3.16.20  because this is one of my favorite people's bday :)

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